
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sheen asked for a Hello Kitty Cake for...

Sheen requested that I made a Hello Kitty for his "girlfriend" cos she likes Hello Kitty too:

He said "when a boy likes a girl, he has to make her happy!"

Yes of course, my boy.

Mummy gladly obliged!


  1. very sweet. can i ask where u get the alphabet print tool? tks

  2. wow, E-Sheen has a crush already! children nowadays grow so fast...

  3. ahahahahahahahahahahaah
    your little boy grows too fast, ya?

  4. Awwww what a charmer! His 'girlfriend' must've been so happy :D

  5. This is so cute! You draw the Hello Kitty on the fondant?

  6. javapot,
    I got the print set from a friend. Pls email me know if you are keen to get; I will put both of you in contact.

    mui mui,
    I met Christian's mum last friday... haha, she also knows that e-sheen wants to marry her daughter!

    And she said she agrees to the betrothal for the cupcake!

    She is certainly an easy in-laws!

    Yes, sometimes I think he grows too fast. I wish I can hold him a little longer.

    Yes, his girlfriend is happy... she went home with the cupcake to tell her mum!

    Anncoo said...
    Haha, I didn't draw them... I can't. I have clumsy hands.

    These are edible printed image.
