How times has changed. We are in the era of encouraging our offspring to play. A famous local child development centre says that kids learn best while playing. And I am most happy to involve my little one in all my baking sessions despite protests from the other half that he's a boy, and cooking making him "girly". Excuse me, there're certainly many successful male chef out there, and I do not think they are a least bit macho! Think Sam Leong and Emmanuel Stroobant!
This is his colourful dinosaur and the round ones are "dinosaur's eggs", Bevis told me.
The heart, elephant and hippo cookie cutters are part of the 6-pc set which I bought from Ho Chi Minh City. It is the same thing that you can find in the baking section at Cold Storage (about $2 for a pack of 6), cost 68 cents over there. Good buy, best buy, MUST buy!
I let Bevis help to press the cookie, also to put the white chocolate chip on the cookie as their eye. This helps to develop their fine motor skills.
Some of them are abit out of place, but good enough for a 3-year-old. What's more important is that we both had FUN!
Same dough, different shape. I measured out the equal portion and let Bevis press the M&M's on top. He was caught muching the M&Ms at the same time! Haha.
Talk about playing with food, I just learnt that the game machine WII has a cooking game! Gonna get it soon!
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