Happy & Prosperous Lunar New Year to All.
My bakery is closed for the rest of the month so that this exhausted baker can take a break!

I have been churning out jars of cookies from my lil' kitchen recently. All the cookies recipes that I have dog-eared in the last few month finally get tested out. My family are not so keen in cakes and cookies... so these cookies were packed and given as gift to friends and relatives!
The last one (hopefully so) is the cashew nut cookie, a recipe that adapted from here.
280g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
120g unsalted butter, softened
100g fine sugar
50g light brown sugar (do not replace with white sugar)
60ml Baileys
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
50ml grapeseed oil
250g lightly toasted cashew nuts, roughly chopped
Makes about 100pcs.
Notes :
Interestingly though the recipe is quite the same, the cookies looked rather different. The last one spread more. This one looks puffier and with the cracks which I think adds character. If cookie has gender, this is a macho man!
The cookie is crispy type (the way I like), but the strawberries bits part are chewy. The strawberries taste is not very distinct, even the dried strawberries does not really very berry. But the colour makes a interesting snack for kids. Sheen specifically asked me to pack these in his school bag!
recipe adapted from Delicious Asian Sweet Treat by Oi Lin
Cookie rolling & cutting is quite tedious for me... so for the rest of the dough, I simply roll it up like a log, and sliced. Coating the log with some hundreds and thousands adds a playful touch!
Love it - another keeper!
Saving for my tea!
The original recipe was to bake it in a bundt pan but I made mine in loaf pan cos I was thinking of trying out the little pyramid which I saw in Alex Goh's book.
Possible culprit(s) are:
Taste Test:
I will only try this in my free time cos I am not really keen in this recipe; It uses vegetable shortening which means the unhealthy transfat. But in the spirit of learning and exploring I may just make another batch. :-)
The cookie dough is quite sturdy, which makes it suitable for roll-out or cookie press. I shape it into rounds and slightly flatten it with fork to get the decorative lines